Temporary Title
KORNFELD Galerie , Berlin, Germany, 18 Nov 2023 – 06 Jan 2024
The exhibition "Temporary Title" shows new works by the Syrian artist Tammam Azzam, who lives in Berlin. Guided by a universal humanity, his pictorial collages find an artistic expression for the incessant suffering people experience through unexpected attacks or wars by tyrannical rulers in the past, present and future. Creativity in the midst of fragmentation.
Ausschnitte aus der Wirklichkeit
Haus Hünenburg , Achim, Germany, 01.10..- 27.11.2022
the place, paper collage on canvas, 130x180cm, 2020
Collage von Tammam Azzam. Der international bekannte syrische Künstler verließ wegen des politischen Konfliktes seine Heimat und kam 2016 auf Einladung des Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg als Stipendiat nach Delmenhorst. Dort fand er mit der Technik der Collage zu einer neuen künstlerischen Ausdrucksform. Er verarbeitete Papierschnipsel auf Leinwand zum Motiv der zerstörten Stadt schlechthin. Das zieht sich seither durch sein Schaffen und ist auch Mittelpunkt der Ausstellung. Seit 2018 Azzam lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.
Kornfeld Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 10.Sep – 29.Oct 2022
Left : 160x240 cm, paper collage on canvas, 2019
Galerie Kornfeld is pleased to present the works of Tammam Azzam and Jonas Englert in the duo exhibition “Fragments”. Both artists dwell on the rebuild or the re-contextualisation of political moments through history.
The exhibition challenges the way political decisions are made and the outcome of them. How these settlements, arrangements, threats, treaties and agreements take place and how they are definitive in the change of history, how they impact not only the current population but generations to come, and to question the authenticity of the diplomatic gestures that lead to defining moments in our times.
Through both artists exhibited we can sense how society deals with political agreements, disagreements and decisions being done. In Englert’s work we see this through fragments of video compositions showcasing the diplomacy of political gestures whereas in Azzam’s work we see this through large-scale paper collages that depict the broken end result of a conflict or dispute.
Kornfeld Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 02.Jul – 03.Sep 2022
Galerie Kornfeld is delighted to announce it's ten year anniversary exhibition, wich will feature the artists that have come along with us through the decade. The anniversary exhibition will reveal touching glimpses of the past and the future, sensitive and exciting exchanges between first artistic attempts and more mature works. The works on show hint at inner struggle and transformation, the eternal search for what is hidden behind the visible.